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Las Vistas Blog -

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season and are looking forward to a 2016 filled with good health, peace and prosperity. We began 2016 at Las Vistas with a really great New Year’s Eve party and over 70 of us ate, drank and danced ourselves into the New Year. If you were there, you know what fun it was and how hard our Social Committee worked to make it a very festive occasion for all. We look forward to the next social event and, of course, volunteers and ideas are always welcome. Our committee is already planning another casino trip, and another event in the Clubhouse for February. The Ladies Luncheon is set for January 26th, and posters will go up next week with the location information.

Some good news for our want-to-be artists. Our resident artist, Joe Pistolese, has agreed to once again hold his art classes at Las Vistas. He will use pencil and paper as the medium, and if anyone is interested in attending, just send an e-mail to and give us your contact information (telephone number etc.), and we will get it to Joe. We will post when the first class begins, and we extend our appreciation to Joe for his volunteering to teach, and for the wonderful artwork he denoted for our lobby, and now for our cardroom.

Last month, our Resales and Rental Committee reported and the Board approved the sales of 2 convertible units, one in the H building for $47,000 and one in the R building for $45,000. There were 3 two-bedroom units sold, one in the P building for $47,000, one in the R building for $50,000 and one in the C building for $101,000.

Last month we contracted for a new mitigation report for our Las Vistas property so that unit owners seeking insurance coverage for their condos could benefit from a discount based on a current report. I am happy to announce that we just received the new mitigation report, and if you would like a copy, please e-mail us at and we will prepare for you not only the report for your building, but also provide a letter confirming that we also have an Armer Protection 24/7 fire alarm monitoring system in each unit and for each building. Both these confirmations should help in reducing your insurance costs. Also, when you negotiate your costs, mention that we are a gated community as well.

The subject of insurance for our condos comes up every day in our Association’s Office. I can’t tell you how important it is that you protect your property adequately with insurance. Our By-Laws are specific in what damages are covered by the Association versus the individual unit owner. If a leak occurs and it is part of our building structure in the walls, we will repair the broken pipes, and any dry wall associated with the repair. But, we do not cover all the collateral damage that can be caused such as repainting, tile replacement, etc. Also, if the cause of the problem is not the responsibility of the Association, such as a leaking faucet, or broken water heater, the unit owner is responsible for all the costs associated with damages to his/her unit and any other unit damaged because of the problem. This could result in huge repair costs, much of which could be covered by insurance.

We have met with our insurance agent, and she is more than willing to provide guidance to our unit owners seeking insurance. We are also meeting shortly with another insurance agent and will place business cards on the Community Bulletin Board in our Clubhouse lobby if anyone wishes to begin research on the types of insurance available and associated costs. We are not recommending any vendor, but highly recommending that our Las Vistas unit owners protect themselves with insurance coverage.

We have spent the last month cleaning our buildings in preparation for carpeting and our A building is already carpeted. As I mentioned in my previous blog, our vendor is currently carpeting the C building and then will move to the R building and work backwards from there. We have also begun power-washing our pool areas and have started with pool #2. Within the next couple of weeks, we expect to re-line our shuffleboard courts, and we have already installed our new ping pong table upstairs in the clubhouse.

January 11th, will be a very busy day for us – we will begin at 2 p.m. with the Annual Meeting and Elections. This year, there is only one building actually having an election – the H building which had two candidates, and the results of that election will be determined and then announced when the meeting reconvenes at 7:30 p.m. After the Annual Meeting, the new Board of Directors will remain to conduct their First Organizational Meeting whereby your Officers will be elected. Directly following this meeting, our Budget Meeting will take place, where our Treasurer will present the draft budget he worked on in consult with the Officers and the Budget Committee.

That’s it for now and I hope we are all looking forward to 2016 with optimism for our Las Vistas community.

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