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Las Vistas' First Blog

For My Las Vistas Neighbors,

I have been thinking about ways to share more information with our Las Vistas community on a more regular basis and thought that maybe I should start a blog. It would not be an “official” blog in that I would set up a domain, etc., but rather an e-mail blog that I can send out as your President, until our website is up and running. I would discuss what is happening around the grounds, with the Board and Officers, and to keep us all up-to-date on the information shared at the Board Meetings, contract negotiations, etc.

I am not sure that this is something that you may want, so I am writing initially to gauge your reactions and suggestions. I have been working with Luc Riendeau and Bernard Ratneiya on the Website Committee and eventually can add the blog to that platform. But, until this takes place, I would begin with simple e-mail updates and hopefully, items of interest to our Las Vistas Community.

A sample of what I would share with you includes an item for those unit owners who are contemplating running for the Board of Directors. There is a South Florida Cooperator’s Condo, HOA, and Co-Op Expo taking place on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at the Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward Convention Center, 1950 Eisenhower Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, 33316. Registration is free and details are available at I registered myself because these events are so informative and I have enjoyed several of them and have always learned from them.

And, whether or not I begin this blog, I wanted to share a picture with you of several of our unit owners who were good enough to volunteer to help us with our recent budget and election mailing and distribution. They worked as a great team and we truly appreciated their help. These ladies are Francine Riendeau, Odette Kenline, Michele Champagne, accompanied by our Association Secretary, Phyllis Adams.

So folks, let me know if you would like to see a Las Vistas Blog. I would be happy to start one, and eventuallyhave it included on our website

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